Monday, 28 January 2013

The letter

She penned her thoughts.. she wanted to post the letter.. she wrote:
“It is now that I feel like I know you more… few words in the virtual space and none in the real.. probably that is why I still feel immensely connected… I don’t know if it is a stairway to heaven or hell.. but I felt like I was in a jungle or some desolate island.. or a world in sepia tones.. some kind of nothingness yet being complete.. living a movie of few words set in some far-away location.. I wish I could show you what I saw.. it was less claustrophobic, more filled with humanness and being… with silence that fills up and conveys more than words can ever try! I was really.. really living in the present.. the present called imagination… fed with images constructed in your mind.. what does that make me or you? You a puppet and me the string? Neither is the creator and yet both are!”


  1. Your Creative Writing class has done wonders for you! Keep writing. I like the language you use. Sometimes it scares me, but it still is good. Keep writing more. :)

    1. @peeves.. thanks :) creative writing... hmmmmm... univ days :)) miss them...
      yeah, raj did help open up my senses.. i shld send him a big thank you card for that :D
      but i guess this was more like go with the flow... btw, why did it scare you??

  2. Loved the letter! A world in sepia tones... now that's some imagination!

    1. thanks pallu!! :) yeah, that's how it was.. maybe i shld suggest this to some of my friends in the filmy duniya eh? make a movie like that ;)

  3. But there are so many scenes like that, no? Shown in sepia tones to indicate an era or a situation where the person being depicted felt like they were in a different world, either serene or scary? Not one that pops right out from memory, but I'm sure there are!

    1. @pallu.. yes there are... what i meant is an entire movie in sepia.. not a film as long as the ones made in mainstream bollywood :P ... just a thot :)
      btw, i guess the movie David has some such idea.. i am looking forward to it...
