Friday, 7 December 2012


Is the loss of freedom only for a guy? Mustn't girls go through it more than guys would? After all it is a girl who leaves everything as it were and goes into a guy’s house. She has to accept his family as her own and do everything. (Personally I feel that acceptance between future family-members has to be done willingly. I also feel that it can very well be achieved with some maturity from all persons involved. I feel it is perfectly possible!! Maybe my opinion is positively clouded by my circumstances and what I have seen around me!)

Is there really any such thing as freedom? Or is it just a sense of it? Is it intrinsic or external to oneself?
If there is freedom, is it necessary for someone else to oppose it? There again, is the opposing element internal or external to the individual? If internal, how must one deal with it? If external, how must one deal with it?
Is exercising discretion the same as exercising control? Is it self-control? When does discretion of one become restraint for the other?

I am just loud thinking. These questions are occurring to me. They might have occurred or might be occurring to you too. My intention is not to tarnish anything or mess things up. It is just what I said: LOUD thinking!

I told you, this blog is MY space! :)

PS: CnH makes it a bit easy for us, right? ;)

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